How to start investing in a mutual fund

An Introduction to Mutual Funds

What are Mutual Funds?

A mutual fund is a pooled investment vehicle that brings together funds from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. This collective investment approach allows individuals to access a diversified portfolio managed by professional fund managers, even with relatively small amounts of money.

Key Components of Mutual Funds:

  1. Net Asset Value (NAV): The NAV represents the per-share market value of a mutual fund’s assets minus its liabilities. It is calculated at the end of each trading day and is the price at which investors buy or sell mutual fund shares.
  2. Fund Manager: Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers or management teams responsible for making investment decisions. Their expertise helps in creating and managing a diversified portfolio to achieve the fund’s objectives.
  3. Investment Objective: Each mutual fund has a specific investment objective, whether it’s capital appreciation, income generation, or a combination of both. Investors choose funds based on their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Types of Mutual Funds:

  1. Equity Funds: Invest primarily in stocks, aiming for capital appreciation. They can focus on specific sectors, market caps, or follow a diversified approach.
  2. Bond Funds: Invest in a variety of fixed-income securities, such as government or corporate bonds, with the goal of generating income.
  3. Money Market Funds: Invest in short-term, low-risk securities like Treasury bills and commercial paper, offering stability and liquidity.
  4. Index Funds: Track a specific market index, providing investors with broad market exposure and low expense ratios.

Advantages of mutual funds:

  1. Diversification: Mutual funds spread investments across various assets, reducing the impact of poor performance in any single security.
  2. Professional Management: Skilled fund managers make investment decisions, leveraging their expertise to navigate the financial markets.
  3. Liquidity: Investors can buy or sell mutual fund shares on any business day, providing liquidity compared to some other investment options.
  4. Accessibility: Mutual funds allow investors with varying levels of capital to participate in the financial markets.
  5. Regulation and Transparency: Mutual funds are regulated by financial authorities, ensuring transparency and protection for investors.

Risks Associated with Mutual Funds:

Market Risk: Explanation: The value of the fund’s securities may fluctuate due to market conditions, affecting the overall fund value. Considerations: Investors should be prepared for market volatility and potential short-term losses.

Credit Risk: Explanation: For bond funds, there’s the risk that issuers may default on their payments, impacting the fund’s performance. Considerations: Assess the credit quality of the bonds in the fund and consider the economic environment.

Interest Rate Risk: Explanation: Changes in interest rates can impact bond prices and, consequently, the value of bond funds.

Liquidity Risk: If a fund holds illiquid securities, selling them during market stress may be challenging, impacting the fund’s ability to meet redemption requests.Assess the fund’s liquidity and redemption policies before investing.

Investment Goals and Risk Tolerance: Determine your financial goals and assess your risk tolerance before investing in mutual funds.

Expense Ratios and Fees: Understand the fund’s expense ratio and fees, as high costs can erode returns over time.

Performance History: Review the fund’s historical performance, considering both short-term and long-term results.

Diversification within a Portfolio: Avoid over-concentration in a particular sector or asset class by diversifying your overall investment portfolio.

Regular Monitoring: Periodically review your mutual fund holdings to ensure they align with your investment objectives.Review the fund’s historical performance, considering both short-term and long-term results.

Diversification within a Portfolio: Avoid over-concentration in a particular sector or asset class by diversifying your overall investment portfolio.

Regular Monitoring: Periodically review your mutual fund holdings to ensure they align with your investment objectives.

Begin with any sum (500 is a minimum amount). Invest in a variety of equities as well as debt, gold, and other assets. Begin investing automatically each month (SIP)Mutual funds offer a convenient and accessible way for investors to participate in the financial markets with professional management and diversification. Understanding the fundamentals, types, and risks associated with mutual funds is essential for making informed investment decisions aligned with individual financial goals. As with any investment, careful research and consideration are key to achieving long-term success.

Learning the Jargon

Here is a list of commonly used terms when talking about mutual funds. You can use this as a glossary to look for any time you want to learn.

1.80CSection under Income Tax Act that defines exemptions for income tax.
2.AMCShort form for – the company that runs a mutual fund. Examples are HDFC Mutual Fund and ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.
3.Annualized ReturnsReturns you would make if investments were made for one year. If you invest for less than a year or more than a year, they are aggregated to one year.
4.Arbitrage fundsArbitrage Funds are particular types of mutual funds that invest in equity securities but at the same time take an equal and opposite position in derivatives of these equity securities. As a result, these funds effectively give returns similar to liquid funds, and risk is also identical. Also, these funds are taxed like equity funds, hence have Zero tax post one year.
5.Asset allocation fundsProcess of allocating your funds across different assets. Assets are things like equity, debt, or gold. We can further classify an asset like equity into large cap, mid cap, or small cap.
6.AUMShort form for Asset Under Management. The total fund a mutual fund scheme holds for investments.
7.Average MaturityWeighted Average of maturity (years between today and the final payment date of debt security, at which point the principal is due to be paid) of all debt securities held by the fund.
8.balanced fundsBalanced Funds, also known as – Equity oriented invest in a mix of debt and equity.
9.benchmarkSomething you can compare your returns against. Typical benchmarks are Sensex and Nifty. But then there are many of them depending on the fund you consider.
10.BrokerageThe fees you pay to your broker for letting you buy and sell your investments.
11.Credit RatingIndependent rating agencies rate all debt issued by companies or governments based on the capacity to pay back. For example, AAA-rated debt is good. BB is not good.
12.CrisilCrisil is a rating agency that rates mutual funds and company debts.
13.debt fundsDebt funds are mutual funds investing in debt instruments.
14.Direct FundsType of funds you do not buy from distributors. They are purchased directly from AMCs.
15.dividend schemesMutual fund schemes provide regular dividends to their investors instead of putting the profits back into equity or debt.
16.ELSSShort for Equity Linked Savings Scheme. Also known as tax-saving funds – special mutual funds are exempt from tax under section 80C.
17.Equity mutual fundsEquity means the stock of a company. Buying equities is the same as buying stocks of a company. Equity Mutual Funds invest in stocks of publicly listed companies.
18.ETFShort form for ETFs are like mutual funds but traded on,; people can buy or sell them like stocks.
19.Exit LoadExit load can be applied to specific schemes when selling a mutual fund. It can be as high as 1% for some projects.
20.Expense RatioExpressed as a percentage of your investment, this is the money you pay each year to the fund house for managing your money.
21.Face ValueNotional value of any security on which dividend, share capital, etc., are calculated. Not very important to make investment decisions
22.Fund ManagerFund manager is a person who decides where to invest your money in the mutual fund. Therefore, the performance of a mutual fund largely depends on its fund Manager. of fundsA fund that invests in a portfolio of other funds. Also known as multi-manager investment. Most global mutual funds are Fund of
24.gilt fundsGilt Funds are mutual funds that invest only in government bonds (debt). Therefore, they are suitable for risk-averse and conservative investors who wish to invest indirectly in secure government bonds.
25.Gold FundsGold Funds are mutual funds that invest in various forms of gold. For example, it can be in the form of physical gold or stocks of gold mining companies.
26.Growth PlanA growth plan means that any dividend the stocks may pay in the mutual fund will be reinvested for further growth.
27.HoldingsHoldings are the contents of an investment portfolio held by a mutual fund
28.index fundAn index fund is a type of mutual fund with a portfolio constructed to match or track the components of a market index.
29.Investment ObjectiveThis is the objective stated by the AMC for this mutual fund. AMC will operate this mutual fund in this manner only. But most of these objectives are very vague and hence don’t tell you much about the intent of the AMC.
30.KYCKnow Your Customer is a mandatory requirement by SEBI for declaring identity and address proof for investing
31.large cap fundsLarge Cap is a category of equity fund that invests mainly in companies with a large market capitalization of ~ 20,000 Cr or more.
32.Launch DateIt’s the date on which a Mutual Fund is launched through
33.liquid fundsLiquid funds are such Mutual Funds that invest in money markets (FD etc.) with very short maturity and high credibility. Therefore these are almost zero-risk Mutual Funds.
34.Lock-in PeriodThis is the period from the date or investment for which the asset cannot be withdrawn. For example, tax-saving Mutual Funds have a lock-in of 3 years.
35.Long TermA horizon of 5 years plus is considered long-term in most of the discussions.
36.Market capMarket capitalization is the market value of a publicly traded company. It can be calculated by multiplying the number of shares by the current price.
37.Mean ReturnsMean returns are the arithmetic Average of the returns earned by a fund over some time. It is also known as the expected returns of the Mutual Fund.
38.mid-cap fundsMid Cap is a category of an equity fund that invests mainly in mid-sized companies with a market capitalization of 5,000 Cr to 20,000 Cr.
39.Min Additional InvestmentMin additional investment, as the name suggests, is the minimum amount of money you can invest if you already have an investment in the fund.
40.Min InvestmentMin Investment is the minimum lump sum investment the fund accepts as a first-time investment. market fundThe money market is the part of the financial market where highly liquid and concise term maturities are traded.
42.NAVNet Asset Value. It is the value per share of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) on a specific date or time.
43.NFONew Fund Offer. A new fund offer occurs when a mutual fund is launched, allowing the firm to raise capital for purchasing securities. Investors may purchase units of a closed-end mutual fund in an NFO.
44.NiftyNifty is a primary stock index in India introduced by the The value of Nifty is the weighted Average of the importance of 50 selected stocks.
45.NomineeThe nominee is the person who receives the benefit in case of the death of the concerned person.
46.PANA permanent Account Number is a ten-character alpha-numeric code issued by the Income Tax department. PAN is mandatory for doing any financial transactions in India.
47.PortfolioFor an individual, a portfolio is a collection of financial investments held by the person. For a Mutual Fund, a portfolio is the fund’s current holdings in various financial securities.
48.PSUPublic Sector Undertaking is state or union government-owned corporates.
49.RatingRating is the score given to a product after careful evaluation or assessment of securities based on multiple factors.
50.RedeemRedeem means withdrawing the invested money by selling the mutual funds
51.RedemptionA redemption is an act of withdrawing invested money in a mutual fund
52.Regular FundsRegular funds are funds bought through an intermediary like an advisor, broker, or distributor.
53.ReturnsReturn is a profit or loss on an investment. It is the change in value/principal amount.
54.RiskRisk typically means uncertainty in investment. It is the deviation from the standard or the expected value.
55.Risk-Free RateA risk-free rate is a theoretical rate of return on an investment with no risk. We can use SBI 3-month FD rate as a proxy for the risk-free rate.
56.RTARegistrar and Transfer Agent is an agency appointed by a mutual fund to handle the allocation/ redemption of mutual fund units.
57.Sector AllocationSplit of holding of mutual funds in various sectors like Financial Services, IT, etc.
58.Sector fundsA fund that invests only in businesses that operate in a particular sector or industry. Because the funds belong to the same sector, such funds are not diversified.
59.SensexIt is an indication of an overall stock market. It is essentially a figure which indicates the relative price of 30 companies weighted on free-float market capitalization. The base year of Sensex is FY 1979, and the base value of 100
60.Sharpe RatioIt’s defined as Mean Returns earned more than the risk-free rate per unit of risk (Std Dev). So it’s a measure of risk-adjusted returns. Nobel laureate William F. Sharpe developed it.
61.Short TermShort-term is less than 12 months.
62.SIDA scheme Information Document (SID) provides all information about a mutual fund. It’s generally a 50+ page document explaining everything. In some cases, mutual fund issue a combined SID for a whole category.
63.SIPSystematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a way of regularly investing money in mutual funds. The most famous frequency is monthly.
64.SIP MinimumThis is the minimum investment amount you need to invest every month (SIP) in this mutual fund. Mutual funds decide this.
65.Small cap fundsSmall cap is a category of companies with a market cap less than Rs. 3,000 Cr. Mutual funds primarily investing in small-cap companies are categorized as Small Cap Funds.
66.Standard DeviationStandard Deviation (represented by the Greek letter sigma σ) is a measure used to quantify the amount of variation of returns from mean returns.
67.STPA systematic Transfer Plan (STP) is a combination of a Systematic Withdrawl Plan (SWP) and a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). This money is redeemed regularly from one fund invested in another at the same time. It only works in the same AMC funds.
68.SWPA systematic Withdrawl Plan is the opposite of a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). In this, money is redeemed from a fund at regular intervals.
69.Ultra-short term fundsUltra Short Term is a type of Debt Mutual Fund that invests in debt securities with an Average Maturity of less than one year.
70.UTRUnique Transaction Reference (UTR) No. It is provided by the bank when you do an NEFT or RTGS transaction.
71.XIRRXIRR is a modified form IRR (Internal Rate of Return) that help calculate overall returns when the number of transaction (Invest or Redeem) is more than two and at irregular intervals. Therefore, the only way to measure the returns if you are doing a SIP or multiple transactions in a single fund is XIRR.
72.Suspended FundMutual Funds that stop taking new investments via SIP or are considered Suspended Funds, like DSP BR Micro Cap.
73.UnitsUnits specify the extent of ownership one possesses in a mutual fund
74.FolioFolio is a grouping of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.
75.YTMAverage interest rate to be earned by an investor at today’s market price, assuming that all debt securities (bond, loan, etc.) will be held until maturity
76.Modified DurationIt is the sensitivity of debt securities to the interest rate. For example, if the Modified Duration is one and the interest rate increases by 1%, the value of the debt securities will reduce by 1%.
77.IFSC CodeShort for Indian Financial Code System used to identify the particular branch of a bank for electronic funds settlement in India like NEFT and RTGS
78.BillerBiller is someone or something that processes bills and payments
79.ISIPInternet-based Systematic Investment Plan(SIP), which is an entirely paperless way of setting up a SIP
80.StocksStocks are ownership certificates of any company
81.SharesShares are the stock certificates of any company
82.BondsIt is a debt instrument in which the investor lends some money to an entity that borrows the funds for a defined period at a variable or fixed interest rate. fundsA type of mutual fund that does not have a limitation on the number of shares that it can issue
84.closed-ended fundsIt is like a mutual fund that raises a fixed amount of capital through an initial public offering and is traded like a stock on the stock exchange.
85.Global FundsA type of mutual fund invests in companies located anywhere in the world.
86.Min WithdrawlThe required minimum distribution is the minimum amount that should be withdrawn from your account annually.
87.KIMShort for Key Information Memorandum, which is another form of scheme information document, for the investors by mentioning the critical sections of the offer document
88.IndexationIt is a technique to adjust income payments using a price index, which is used to maintain the purchasing power of investors after inflation.
89. funds are mutual funds, ETFs, or any other type used to generate income for shareholders by investing in securities that offer dividends or interest payments.
90.Government SecuritiesIt is a bond issued by the government authority, with repayment upon maturity.
91.SecuritiesSecurity is a financial instrument that represents some monetary value
92.Floating RateA floating rate is an interest rate that shifts up and down along the rest of the market or is based on an index.
93.Equity SchemesA mutual fund that invests mainly in stocks is called an equity scheme/funds
94.AMFIThe Association of Mutual Funds in India is an industry standards organization.
95.SEBIThe Securities and Exchange Board of India is the regulator of the securities market in India.


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